See also The First Trimester for more information on babywearing in the first three months



Human infants are naturally carried throughout the early years of life. In addition to in-arms carrying, there are long traditions of constructed baby carriers being used around the globe in human history. Modern baby carriers combine ancient designs with modern technology. Babywearing is not inherently dangerous however there are unsafe practices which we discourage and unsafe designs which we do not support.

Babywearing education is important and should be freely available to all who need it. Choosing and using a baby carrier should be supported without commercial bias or judgement. Our group accepts products offered as testers for review with no personal gain and no promise of positive feedback.

Yvette ODowd Yvette ODowd

Legs out from birth

Wraps are fabric baby carriers. Strips of fabric have been used to support infants against adult bodies ever since humans learned to spin and weave natural fibres.

Modern #babywearing styles include two distinct wrap types, defined by the way they are made and function: woven and stretchy.

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Yvette ODowd Yvette ODowd

Knee to Knee Support

Knee to Knee. It's one those phrases we toss around in #babywearing conversations. It really means what it says!

All baby carrier styles: #ringslings #softstructuredcarriers #stretchywraps #wovenwraps and #mehdais should support your baby from the back of one knee across to the back of the other one.

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Yvette ODowd Yvette ODowd

Waistband Placement

Getting your baby carrier comfortable can be challenging. A lot of the time it's just a matter of checking the instructions which came with it but if it's been passed on by a previous owner, you might not have any. Turning to YouTube can be a bit dodgy, so always check the manufacturer's own website for photo or video tutorials.

When it comes to soft-structured carriers, there are some basic things to consider:

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Yvette ODowd Yvette ODowd

Building Secure Attachment

"You don't want them to get too used to that, you know."

Why not? Come on, where's your evidence?

Probably best not to get into the debate standing (socially-distanced) in the supermarket queue! But there really are excellent reasons to carry your child.

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Yvette ODowd Yvette ODowd

Stay Connected

#babywearing with your second baby is a bit different than with your first. You have places to go and things to do ... well, your older child does!

Lounging around on the couch all day with your boobs out might have been your lifestyle first time are but now you have a co-worker who needs regular visits to the playground, time spent in nature and regular play dates. One reason toddlers can play up when a sibling arrives is their regular routine is interrupted.

Getting out in fresh air is good for mums and babies too. In this covid-normal world, outdoors is the safer way to catch up with friends and family. Keeping baby close to you in a baby carrier also means they stay warm while you push the swing, discover amazing fungi and collect autumn leaves with your child.

#babywearing lets you meet both their needs to feel connected to you.

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