Humans are carrying mammals

"Amaral concludes that this evolution to bipedality has important consequences for the female of the species.  Indeed, it frees the arms and hands of males and juveniles, but females have their arms and hands occupied with their young.  This restriction of movement placed limits on food gathering for biped females carrying their infants, and may have been at the origin of group cooperation."

Far from being some incidental aspect of life, the ability to carry vulnerable young while going about the essential task of gathering food is crucial to the survival of carrying mammals including humans. Our lives today may seem very different to that of our primate cousins and hunter-gatherer sisters, yet only the kind of work we do has changed. The need to keep our young safe and secure is unchanged.

Primates carry their young. Humans are primates.

#babywearing is natural human behaviour

Reference: Amaral LQ (2007). Mechanical analysis of infant carrying in hominoids.  Naturwissenschaften (DOI 10.1007/s00114-007-0325-0).


The Power of Touch


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