No judgement here

Using a baby carrier is not a test.

Hearing people's anxiety about sharing photos seeking a fit-check or being hesitant about attending a #babywearing meet, fearing judgement, makes me so sad. I've seen the same fears expressed by #breastfeeding mothers needing support. In almost 30 years volunteering as a breastfeeding counsellor, I have never seen mothers in my space comment negatively about how another person is breastfeeding. And the same is true for babywearing.

No babywearing educator or consultant is judging your skill or expertise. That's just not how it works. We are available to help you work out how to get your carrier to feel comfortable and to be safe for your child. If we offer suggestions for changes, these do not come from a point of judgement but one of observation.

Everyone learns differently. We have no expectations of you or your children at our meets. We will give you as much time as we can, with the goal you go home confident with your baby carrier. Some people will come along multiple times as they work through the process of choosing and using a carrier while others might just drop by for a quick confirmation and off they go.

Wherever you are, that's where we meet you. If you are submitting photos, we actually don't notice how clean your bathroom mirror is, how much unfolded washing is in view or what your toddler is doing in the background. We are trying to see what you are using and how it is sitting. That's it.

There is no judgement here.


Humans are carrying mammals


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