Meets & Markets

Online connections. Real-life friendships

We offer opportunities for local families to connect in real life.

Many parents first discover oour community as they seek support for babywearing or breastfeeding. They discover community and connection.

Cranbourne Botanical Gardens

South Eastern Babywearing Group

Choosing and using a baby carrier can be overwhelming. Our goal is to make babywearing safe and comfortable for adults and children, whatever their needs.

Our collection of demonstration carriers are available to try at our regular market stalls. We can help you select the right carrier and guide you on buying new or preloved carriers. Once you have your own, we can do a fit-check and troubleshoot any issues you might have. No fees, no sales - just support.

We bring together experienced babywearers and those just starting out, creating a supportive space to learn, share and support. Our community is a safe place to try new techniques with trained volunteers to guide you.

Find our calender of events

Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Bed-sharing and Baby-led weaning … and cloth nappies, which sadly doesn’t begin with B!

Just some of the topics we cover in conversation in our online community. But we also enjoy adult chat about things outside the care and nurture of babies and children. Life as a gentle parent is not always easy and we are their to support each other on the bad days, the bad weeks and when it all feels so hard.

Meet us at the Market!

Southern Natural Parenting Network are regular stall holders at Bumble Bee Baby and Children's Markets. Come along to check out our baby carrier collection, meet our volunteers and find out more about our community.

Bumble Bee brings together stalls offering preloved childrens clothing and equipment, alongside small businesses providing goods and services to families.

Find the calender here

You will find us at Bumble Bee Baby and Children's Markets held across Melbourne's south east