
Our Babywearing Group

South Eastern Babywearing Group began in 2014 to service the needs of families across Melbourne’s south eastern suburbs and Mornington Peninsula.

Our market stalls provide parents and carers informal opportunities to try a range of baby carriers in a relaxed environment. Skilled and experienced babywearers guide others through choosing and using the right carrier to fit their needs, budget and body. Safe and comfortable babywearing is our core purpose.

We offer a collection of carriers from the five main style categories:

Our support comes in suitcases!.png

South Eastern Babywearing Group has an extensive collection of baby carriers available for you to try at our market stalls.The most effective way to work out the right carrier for your families needs is to try them on! Work out what you like, what you need and what you feel comfortable using - then go home to shop online for the best price or hit the bricks and mortar confident you know what you are looking for.

Once you have a carrier, we are here to help get it adjusted just right. Learn how to get those buckles and straps in the right place. Learn the basic techniques to tie a woven wrap or meh dai. Or get that ring sling sitting in the most comfortable position for you and your child.

Wherever you are on your babywearing journey, we meet you where you are. Ready to progress to back-wearing? Tandem carrying? Advanced wrapping techniques? We’ve got you!

No cost. No retail. Just support and information. And a lot of testers!!