Books About Sleep
The Gentle Sleep Book
Gentle, No-Tears, Sleep Solutions for Parents of Newborns to Five-Year-Olds
Sarah Ockwell-Smith
A large percentage of parents find their young child's sleep - or lack of - challenging. This new book from Sarah Ockwell-Smith, founder of BabyCalm, will be an indispensable guide for parents, whatever challenges they are facing with their child's sleep - from the day they bring their newborn home until their child is settled into school.
Examining everything from frequent night waking in babyhood, through bedwetting in toddlerhood, to nightmares and refusal to go to bed in pre-schoolers, this book provides extensive scientific and anecdotal information, plus plenty of gentle suggestions, to help everyone get a good night's sleep. This is a gentle, evidence-based approach that doesn't involve leaving a baby to cry or shutting a sobbing child in their bedroom.
The Baby Sleep Book
The Complete Guide to a Good Night's Rest for the Whole Family
William Sears, M.D, Martha Sears, James M Sears, Robert Sears
Babies don't automatically know how to sleep through the night; they need to be taught. The Sears family has learned from decades of pediatric practice, bolstered by their own parenting experiences, that different babies have different nighttime temperaments -- and, of course, different families have different lifestyles. Instead of espousing the kind of "one method fits all" approach advocated in other baby sleep guides, the Sears family explains how you can create a sleep plan that suits the needs of your entire family.
Pinky McKay
Are you obsessed about your baby's sleep? Do you feel 'weak' because you can't leave him to cry himself to sleep? Do you need to relax more and enjoy being a parent?
Parenting expert Pinky McKay offers a natural, intuitive approach to solving your little one's sleep problems and gives practical tips on how to:
understand your baby's tired cues
create a safe sleeping environment
gently settle babies and toddlers
feed infants to encourage sleep
Sleeping Like A Babyis a must read for stress-free, guilt-free parenting and offers down-to-earth and heartening advice on helping babies (and their parents!) to sleep better.
Safe Infant Sleep
Expert Answers to Your Cosleeping Questions
James J McKenna
In the world of pediatric care, sleep safety guidelines are controversial and often misguided. Health professionals broadly discourage all forms of cosleeping, which, along with the potentially devastating consequences, makes deciding how and where your baby should sleep both confusing and frightening. Parents who cherish the closeness, security, and warmth of cosleeping are finding themselves conflicted, concerned, and exhausted. Cosleeping, a term which encompasses sleeping in the same room or on the same bed as your infant, is a common parental instinct driven by physiology and seen throughout human history. Despite mainstream opposition, thousands of parents continue the practice, whether intentionally, accidentally, or out of necessity. So, why do current medical guidelines insist that cosleeping is unsafe? What is the difference between SIDS and SUID, and are they related to cosleeping? What should parents do to make a safe sleep space for their infant? If a family chooses to cosleep, how should they respond to reproach from friends, family, or medical professionals? In Safe Infant Sleep, the world's authority on cosleeping breaks down the complicated political and social aspects of sleep safety, exposes common misconceptions, and compares current recommendations to hard science. With the latest information on the abundant scientific benefits of cosleeping, Dr. James J. Mckenna informs readers about the dangers of following over-simplified recommendations against the age-old practice, and encourages parents to trust their knowledge and instincts about what is and is not safe for their baby. This book offers a range of options and safety tips for your family's ideal cosleeping arrangement. These include variations of roomsharing and bedsharing, and introduce the concept of "breastsleeping." This term, coined by Dr. McKenna himself, is based on the inherent biological connection between breastfeeding and infant sleep, and provides readers with everything they need to know about safely sharing a bed with their baby. Complete with resource listings for both parents and professionals, this book teaches you how to confidently choose a safe sleeping arrangement as unique as your family.
Sweet Sleep
Nighttime and Naptime Strategies for the Breastfeeding Family
La Leche League International, Diane Wiessinger, Linda J. Smith, Diana West
Sweet Sleep is the first and most complete book on nights and naps for breastfeeding families. It is a how-to guide for making sane and safe decisions on how and where your family sleeps, including words of wisdom and reassurance from mothers, all backed up by the latest research. It's 4 a.m. You've nursed your baby fi ve times throughout the night. You're beyond exhausted. But where can you breastfeed safely when you might fall asleep? You've heard that your bed is dangerous for babies. Or is it? Is there a way to reduce the risk? Does life really have to be this hard? No, it doesn't. Sweet Sleep is within reach.
This invaluable resource will help you: - sleep better tonight in under ten minutes with the Quick Start guide - and sleep safer every night with the Safe Sleep Seven - sort out the fact and fiction of bedsharing and SIDS - learn about normal sleep at every age and stage, from newborn to new parent - direct your baby toward longer sleep when he's ready - tailor your approach to your baby's temperament - uncover the hidden costs of sleep training and "controlled crying" techniques - navigate naps at home and during daycare - handle criticism from family, friends, and health professionals - enjoy stories and tips from mothers like you - make the soundest sleep decisions for your family and your life.
Sarah Ockwell-Smith
Research shows that normal infant sleep is not what most experts claim it to be. In fact, many of todays sleep problems with young babies and children predominantly occur in the developed world. In Why Your Babys Sleep Matters, renowned gentle parenting expert Sarah Ockwell-Smith demonstrates how nurturing babies at night helps their brain development, and covers the topics every parent of a new baby will need to know about, including naps, SIDS, night weaning, coping with your own exhaustion - and even dealing with advice and criticism from others.
No-Cry Sleep Solution
Gentle Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Nigh
Elizabeth Pantley
The classic, best-selling no-tears guide to making sure your baby--and you--get a full night's sleep has been updated - it is now easier to use and has been expanded to include more solutions plus critical new safety information.
Nearly all babies fight sleep. Some people argue that parents should let their baby "cry it out" until the child falls asleep; others say parents should tough it out from dusk until dawn. Neither tactic fosters happiness in the family. The No-Cry Sleep Solution gives parents a third option: a proven method to pin-point the root of sleep problems and solve them in a way that is gentle to babies, effective for parents, and provides peace in the home.
One of today's leading experts on children's sleep, Elizabeth Pantley delivers clear, step-by-step ideas for guiding your child to a good night's sleep--without any crying. This parenting classic shows how to decipher--and work with--your baby's biological sleep rhythms, create a customized plan for getting your child to sleep through the night, nap well during the day, and teach your baby to fall asleep peacefully, and stay asleep, without all-night breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, or requiring a parent's care all through the night.
And now, this updated edition is even easier to follow. It provides important new guidelines on safety (bedsharing, pacifiers, swings, slings, swaddling and more), and an expanded chapter specifically about newborns. It covers every sleep issue that occurs in the first few years and answers parents' common questions about white noise, back-sleeping, SIDS, day care, naps, nightwaking, bedsharing, dealing with strong-willed babies, working with caregivers, troubleshooting sleep issues, and more
Boobin' All Day Boobin' All Night
A Gentle Approach to Sleep for Breastfeeding Families
Meg Nagle
Part memoir, part sharing of women's stories, part research, part boobin'...
"It feels so right to breastfeed my baby to sleep but everyone tells me not to." "My baby will not stay asleep when I put her down. What can I do?" "My breastfed toddler continues to wake at night. Is this normal?" Our instincts are there, but for many of us, instincts are confusing and hard to trust at first. You want some more sleep and everyone seems to be telling you different things and offering contradicting advice.
This book is not a guide that gives you step by step instructions for getting your baby to sleep longer, because every baby is an individual, and every baby wakes for important reasons. This book will help you learn how to trust your own instincts and follow the lead of your breastfed child... while offering different suggestions on how to get more sleep without having your baby cry, protest, or self-settle.
Lyndsey Hookway
Many parents worry about their child's sleep, and parents of new babies are often exhausted - but there is hope.
This realistic, reassuring, and refreshing guide to sleep looks at sleep for both parents and children, and aims to empower and encourage parents to feel calm, confident and compassionate in their parenting. It strikes a balance between prioritising infant and child mental health and attachment, and being compassionate about the reality of raising a family in today's society, with social support and understanding often in short supply.
With practical and easily implementable ideas, and clear explanation of the many myths surrounding infant and baby sleep, this gentle and holistic guide is sure to allay many parents' fears and help everyone in the family get the rest they need.