Books About Natural Term Breastfeeding

A Loving WeaningHow to Move Forward Together

A Loving Weaning

How to Move Forward Together

Winema Wilson Lanoue

Weaning from breastfeeding does not have to be confusing or difficult. When viewed as a journey of partnership and love, it can strengthen the parent-child bond and build trust and confidence. In this book, Winema Wilson Lanoue discusses the issues surrounding weaning, addresses the most frequently asked questions, and shows how parents can create a weaning plan that works for their unique family.

Ann Sinnott

Breastfeeding is a globally recognized imperative for the preservation of infant health, and governments around the world have introduced breastfeeding promotion measures. While initiation rates have improved, duration rates at a few weeks or months after birth still lag behind the World Health Organization's recommendation that breastfeeding - for all children, in both developed and developing worlds - should continue for at least two years. Behind the figures, there is however an inverse reality. Today, increasing numbers of women in the industrialized world challenge social convention and breastfeed their children well beyond WHO guidelines. How widespread is this surprising - many would say shocking - phenomenon? Is it Nature's way or is it an unhealthy practice? Do mothers prolong breastfeeding for their own pleasure? Is it - as some say - a form of sexual abuse? Are women being overly controlling, coercing children into continuing because they wish their children to remain dependent, or are they meeting an innate child need? Does long-term breastfeeding impact negatively on child physical and emotional health, or does it have a positive effect? Do mothers pay a price? How does the practice affect the family and the adult couple's relationship? Are breasts intended for infant feeding or for sexual pleasure? How and when did early weaning become established practice in the Western world? Is sustained breastfeeding a reversion to a pre-feminist state, or is it a truly feminist issue? Drawing on child development theories, neuroscience research, archaeological findings, and anthropological opinion, this book explores the myths and reality surrounding this taboo practice in order to answer these and many other questions. In extracts from questionnaires, the reader will hear directly from mothers, fathers, and the children themselves. Thought-provoking and challenging, this well-researched yet thoroughly accessible book will appeal to all concerned with infant feeding and child health, as well as those with an interest in prehistory and the origins of Western culture.

Janell E. Robisch

In the early years of parenting, mothers spend countless hours considering the best ways to raise their children to be happy and healthy. One of the first decisions that they make is how to feed their babies. Once a mother has chosen to breastfeed, it may seem like that is that, but the question of how long to breastfeed a child is laced with controversy and conflict in our society. It is rare to see a child nursing to 6 months, let alone into toddlerhood. What about children that are nursed past toddlerhood, children that are nursed to their third birthday and sometimes far beyond? What brings a mother to decide to continue breastfeeding for so long past the societal norm? Children who breastfeed past their third birthday certainly exist. There are probably many more—even just in your own community—than you realize, but why don’t we see these nursing children more? In this collection of stories from mothers all over the world and from many walks of life, Janell E. Robisch takes you on an exploration of the reasons, joys, and challenges of full-term nursing from the perspective of the very mothers who have been there, done that.

Adventures in Tandem NursingBreastfeeding During Pregnancy and Beyond

Adventures in Tandem Nursing

Breastfeeding During Pregnancy and Beyond

Hilary Flower

Finally, the 2nd edition of a much-needed book There is no doubt about it-when breastfeeding and pregnancy overlap, the questions abound. This book is still the only comprehensive resource on this topic. Hilary Flower gives complete and in-depth answers to a wide range of questions related to breastfeeding during pregnancy and tandem nursing. Drawn from a great reservoir of mother wisdom, this book pools the stories of over 300 mothers from around the world. Extensive reviews of medical research and discussions with experts in the fields of nutrition, obstetrics, and anthropology have provided the author with a thorough understanding of this important topic. Each person's experience will be a one-of-a-kind adventure, full of surprises and choices. Adventures in Tandem Nursing provides an essential source of support, humor, and information for the journey. The 2nd edition has the latest research on safety and nutrition, many more mothers' stories and quotes, checklists to keep you on track, chapter summaries, online resources, and all new photos and illustrations. You will also find four additional chapters: high risk pregnancy, the nursling's needs, closely spaced babies, and "triandem" nursing.