Buying & Trying Baby Carriers

In online #babywearing spaces it's common to see parents seeking suggestions for the "right" baby carrier for them and then listing all the carriers they have already bought and tried.

Typically, questioning reveals that most of the carriers they have bought are suited to their needs but they haven't been shown how to fit them comfortably. This is generally the reason behind their baby "not liking" a carrier and for the parent to feel discomfort in their back, neck and shoulders.

Choosing and using a baby carrier shouldn't be complicated. But particularly in this post covid world, reaching out online is taking over from seeking help face-to-face.

Finding a local babywearing group should be the first step you take in exploring the range of available baby carriers. Even if you have already made a purchase, group educators can help you make it work for you. Yes, there are carriers out there which are not as well-designed as others but the dangerous styles of carrier we have seen in the past are largely gone from the current market.

Our group has one purpose - to support parents in choosing and using baby carriers safely and comfortably. We don't sell anything and we have no commercial interest in any brand. We invite brands to provide tester carriers to our group, which we make available for parents attending our meets and markets. We also test the carriers ourselves and share the experience.

You can find our reviews on our website. Link in bio


Myth: Carrying delays walking


Mother to Mother