Mother to Mother

Since the dawn of time, experienced mothers have supported those starting out by sharing their knowledge and experience. In recent decades, this has expanded to include fathers and other primary carers.

Traditionally, children would grow up around the women of their extended family and others of their immediate community. Knowledge of breastfeeding, infant sleep and babywearing would be absorbed rather than formally taught. By age 3 or 4, young children would be actively involved in caring for younger siblings. Set the task of rocking a sibling or cousin in a hammock or cradle, or even having a sleeping infant strapped on their back in a baby carrier when they are barely out of being carried in one themselves!

By the time girls became women and mothers themselves, the skills and techniques of feeding and caring for infants are firmly imprinted. There is no frantic learning from books or classes in pregnancy. No preparing for labour and childbirth like it's an exam and no hours researching cots, prams and car restraints.

Women in the modern western world are mostly isolated geographically from their family. Their mothers and aunts birthed decades ago, bore 2 or 3 children in different times and are often traumatised from their experiences or defensive about their choices. New mothers are left needing to find their own village at the time they most need it.

#babywearing groups are often a point of connection for like-minded parents. As women who are also in the intense breastfeeding/babywearing/bedsharing season of life come together with those travelling alongside or ahead on that same journey. Some are holding the light at the end of that long tunnel while others mark the steps along the way.

You are not alone. We are beside you. We see you. We support you. Most come the first time for the practical guidance of using a baby carrier. Many continue to come for ongoing support in mothering. And others come to offer their support.

Wherever you are on that journey, you are welcome here.

Join us for our Fresh Air And Friendship meets, where #babywearing help is just the beginning. Link to calendar of events in bio.


Buying & Trying Baby Carriers


Woven and Stretchy Wraps: What's the difference?