Knee to Knee Support

Knee to Knee. It's one those phrases we toss around in #babywearing conversations. It really means what it says!

All baby carrier styles: #ringslings #softstructuredcarriers #stretchywraps #wovenwraps and #mehdais should support your baby from the back of one knee across to the back of the other one.

If the fabric of the carrier extends beyond the knee onto their lower leg, that carrier is too big for them yet. If it is adjustable, you need to take it down a setting or two. If it uses an infant insert, you need to continue using it for now. If the carrier cannot be adjusted to fit, then you should pop it away for a few weeks or months until it fits. This applies to soft-structured carriers, meh dais and other carriers with a fixed or adjustable base.

Walking toddlers will gradually become taller as the long bones of their legs grow. You will notice the carrier fabric gradually moves away from the "knee pit". This is not cause for concern as their hip joints have matured and are supported by strong muscles and ligaments. They will continue to sit comfortably in most carriers until around 15-20+kg (depending on recommended limits) but once they are wearing size 2 (Australian) long pants you can try them in a toddler-sized soft-structured carrier: they go back to the knee to knee minimum once more for comfort.

If you are unsure about how well your child fits your carrier, check with your local babywearing group who can help. Or a fee-based babywearing consultant can help you online or in person.


Legs out from birth


Waistband Placement