
Impulse control begins to develop around 3-4 years of age. For some children it takes longer. And some adults struggle still.

Telling a small child to stay beside you and hold hands is actually asking quite a lot of them. But in some circumstances, not doing so can have dangerous consequences. Monitoring a child who frequently responds to interesting stimulus (running to) or reacts to overwhelming stimulus (running from) is challenging, especially if you have other children to supervise.

While a pram or stroller can restrain a child, it can also disconnect them. If they need reassurance or feedback, it can be hard to hear them in noisy environments.

Using a carrier for children can keep them safe and connected. From walking the dog to school pick-up, you can easily continue conversations and engage with surroundings without the fear they might bolt.

#babywearing is not just for babies. Connection through carrying can continue as long as needed.


Sensible Babywearing


Is it warm in here?