Is it warm in here?

Melbourne weather is renowned for its changeability. The joke goes: if you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes 😉

Its a rookie mistake (but one I still make after decades of carrying babies!) to get your baby settled against your body without taking the time to first consider your own comfort. Your combined body temperature can quickly leave you wishing you'd removed a layer first. Going from a cold carpark to a heated indoor facility or heading off for a brisk walk can soon have you regretting your choices.

Jackets are best put on after your baby carrier. Underneath, think of the carrier itself as an extra layer. Stretchy wraps especially can add the equivalent of two layers.

You might find your core stays quite warm and you just need a hat and mittens. If you wear a scarf, be conscious of not obscuring the view of your baby’s face and be careful not to block airflow.

As we head into winter, you can enjoy your on-board heat source and, with a little planning, not get too hot and bothered!




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