Take a seat

#babywearing is a wonderful way to soothe and settle babies to sleep. But do you need to remain standing once you achieve your goal? What about sitting to do simple tasks wearing a baby?

You'll be relieved to know there are no reasons not to sit when using a baby carrier. The only barriers are practical ones: being able to!

If you are wearing the carrier quite low, the baby's lower body might end up on your lap. If this is uncomfortable, raising the waistband before you put baby in will result in a higher carrier with more clearance room.

Your seating options may be limited in a similar manner to being heavily-pregnant. Too high, too low or too close to a table (booths in cafes and restaurants) may be impractical. Sometimes it will be easier to take a task like prepping vegetables to a dining table rather than trying to balance on a high stool at the kitchen counter.

Wearing your baby on your back does bring more challenges. Sometimes anticipating the activities ahead allows you to choose a front carry instead eg before getting on public transport. Otherwise, you can turn a dining chair backwards to sit, choose a fitball instead or set up a standing desk for your computer or project.

Sitting with your baby in a carrier is different so do expect to take time getting it right for you. As your child grows, you will adapt how and what you do when #babywearing.


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It's OK … they all do this!