It's OK … they all do this!

It's just too tempting! We pop babies into carriers with interesting bits and pieces at mouth level and babies use their mouths to explore the world around them ;)

So it's good to know that reputable #babywearing brands are aware of the need to only use child-safe materials in their products. From fabric dyes to sling rings, you can relax when your little ones sucks or chews on their carrier.

You can get "suck pads" to go on the straps of soft-structured carriers and meh dais, so you don't need to wash the whole carrier frequently. And you can wrap the tail of a ring sling around the metal rings if the connection with brand new baby teeth has your own teeth on edge! But woven and stretchy wraps are best just spot-cleaned or popped into the machine to freshen them up.

Some babies can be distracted by chewable necklaces around your neck or simple toys clipped to the carrier.

Otherwise ... just suck it up ;)

(Reputable brands? Be careful of #toogoodtobetrue prices, unusual designs or dodgy online sellers. If in doubt, don't. Your local babywearing group or consultant can guide you in making safe choices. )

Check out our list of recommended retailers and businesses in Australia.


Take a seat


Myth: Carrying delays walking