Learning to use a woven wrap

Woven Wraps can seem intimidating.

Of all the baby carriers available, these are the ones which seem to come with their own secret language. Experienced users throw strange terminology about as rapidly as they toss the fabric around their body and end up with a snug baby tied off with a flourish! Watching them at work can leave you feeling overwhelmed.

The technique most commonly used by beginners is a "Front Wrap Cross Carry" - understandably abbreviated to FWCC and already confusing before you pick up the carrier.

Learning to use a woven wrap can be done remotely, using excellent videos from skilled teachers. It is easiest learned face-to-face andwe arehappytoworkwithyouat our meets and markets. Personalised instruction from a babywearing consultant by video is the next best option if you can't meet anyone locally. Find one here.


No judgement here


Sensible Babywearing