Your Baby Week By Week

Your unique baby will develop according to their very own blueprint. However, there are some typical stages which most full-term babies will progress through around the same age. Babies born pre-term will often reach the same stage when we adjust their age to gestational age.

Parents are often challenged at similar stages: as breastfeeding is established, as sleep evolves and changes, as crying and unsettledness occur.

So here we have gathered information you might find useful around about the stage you might need it.

Welcome to your baby, week by week .

Here you will find the first three months - stay tuned for more soon!

routine Yvette ODowd routine Yvette ODowd

Week Twelve

As you approach the end of this first three months you might be feeling like life is becoming more predictable. Your baby has a rhythm to their day and might be having some predictable times for feeding and sleeping. Or not. Some babies have nothing like a routine to their day and that is very typical. Breastfed babies will be feeding more efficiently and some feeds will be quick while others are long and leisurely. You might be told your baby is “snacking” and this implied as being a bad habit. Your baby’s shorter sleep periods might be described by others as “cat naps” and also said as though this is not a good thing. These comments often come from friends or family members who enjoy a cup of tea and a biscuit every couple of hours and regularly “rest their eyes” in front of the computer at work!

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