Feed frequently to make milk


There are times when it's just not worth moving the boob away from the baby. Periods of increased breastfeeding signal to the breast to increase production because the infant has some big stuff going on. You literally need to go with the flow.

You can invest a lot of thinking into the Why of the increased feeding but looking at it as a problem to be solved is considering it from entirely the wrong perspective. Because you are actually observing a problem being solved.

Breastfeeding is not really something you do to your child. It is something the baby does with the breast. Your thinking brain really just gets in the way. Babies really only need us to facilitate access to the boob.

Our society has damaged breastfeeding knowledge so badly that we live in anticipation of it failing. We look for signs it is not working and view nearly all behaviour as indicators of breastfeeding going wrong. We don't trust our breasts and we don't trust our babies.

Breastfeeding has had some bad PR since formula marketing began. The advertising industry knows exactly which buttons to press and anxiety about supply is top of the list for breastfeeding parents. Lack of confidence is much more common than lack of milk. But one of the major causes of low supply is lack of breastfeeding!

The goal of going as long as possible between breastfeeding is the biggest barrier to milk production. Offering the breast first is the best course of action, whatever woke or disturbed the baby in the first place. It doesn't matter what the problem is when you have a universal solution always available.

Overfeeding breastfed babies is not a thing. Overfeeding bottle fed babies is a serious problem but - BREASTFEEDING IS ENTIRELY DIFFERENT TO BOTTLE FEEDING.

Breastfeed as often as they take it and you will make enough, they will take enough and you can trust it. Just as human mothers have for millennia. Breastfeeding didn't suddenly break 100 or 200 years ago. We broke breastfeeding because we forgot how it works while everyone was distracted by the bright shininess of bottles and artificial milk in advertising. Intentional marketing of breastfeeding doubt is to blame.


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