Don't put up with pain

It breaks my heart when I meet someone who has put up with painful #breastfeeding for weeks or months because someone told them that it's normal to hurt.

Tenderness in the first day or so is typical, as nipples experience something new. But - the great big but - pain is your body's way of communicating that something is wrong.

The most common reason for nipple pain is the baby is not taking a good mouthful of breast tissue. Improving attachment will stop further damage and allow rapid healing.

Sometimes the nipple has been grazed or cracked from poor attachment and healing takes a bit longer. However, damaged skin can become infected by fungus or bacteria - commonly referred to as thrush. This needs medical attention and appropriate treatment.

Nipples which are sore or damaged can sometimes experience vasospasm, where the blood vessels construct then refill, causing pain. This can be treated.

Ongoing issues with attachment which aren't resolved by repositioning the baby and learning how to latch might be caused by tongue tie. This needs a physical examination by a skilled nurse or doctor and assessment by an IBCLC. Referral for revision as well as ongoing consultation with the lactation consultant and allied health practitioners will result in a baby feeding well without pain.

Pain is never something you should grin and bear. If you are told it is then you have spoken to the wrong person for advice. Find someone else who will diagnose and treat the cause. You have the right to enjoy breastfeeding and your baby deserves to feed effectively and efficiently.


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