What do we mean by ‘breastfeeding’?

Breastfeeding is one of our five core beliefs.

But what do we mean by breastfeeding?

You see, we don't just support breastfeeding, we advocate for it. Ideally exclusively for the first six months (that means no other foods or drinks) and continued for two years and beyond. We understand not everyone gets the skilled help they need in the early days to avoid the formula trap or the support they need to resist premature introduction of solids, But you won't see us encouraging those practices: instead we will empower you to meet those goals. And we see breastfeeding as a relationship, not just a feeding method. A relationship that goes on into the second, third years and beyond. A relationship which is a 24 hour connection, where night feeding is just as important as day feeding and where night weaning is a last resort, not an optimal choice.

We are proactive about breastfeeding in public. We are proactive about holding health professionals accountable for the information they provide. We are loud about the marketing ploys of the global machine which is the infant formula industry. We challenge those who claim Fed Is Best, because we believe Informed Is Best and Fed is the bare minimum, not optimal practice!

So, now you know. You might feel challenged by some of our content or the passion of our beliefs. But we don't apologise for them. because this is a safe space for breastfeeding families, where they don't get judged, belittled, abused or undermined. We welcome formula feeding parents who choose to join us here but we don't facilitate the promotion of infant formula products. We proudly stand by the WHO Code (check out our blog on that topic) and we don't allow social media influencers to use this space to increase brand awareness.

Around here, breastmilk is just part of life. We share it. We celebrate it and we defend it when needed. Because that's part of who we are. itself. It always does.


What Are Wonder Weeks?


Breastfeeding in Pregnancy