Breastfeeding in Pregnancy

It's gone from something which tended to happen unplanned to a very intentional plan. I see this as a combination of personal goals around meeting the WHO recommendation for two years and beyond, with pressure to have children within a defined period around career/study and other lifestyle issues.

What I want to put out there is this:

Breastfeeding through pregnancy and tandem feeding should not be entered into lightly. If you are anticipating this as part of your family planning, I urge you to listen to the stories of others carefully.

Your milk production will change. Your body will become a lactating pregnant woman, not a breastfeeding woman who is pregnant. You can expect the volume and consistency of your breastmilk to change by around 16 weeks gestation. It will become more like colostrum and less like mature milk.

Your breast and nipples will very likely become tender, sore or painful. You may find feeding uncomfortable or unbearable. This might ease in the second trimester or might continue throughout your pregnancy.

Your toddler is going to feed more frequently than you expect. They may show frustration or distress at changes in your milk. You might feel an aversion occasionally or frequently.. You might feel challenged by your child's need of the breast both during pregnancy and after your baby is born - and for weeks/months into tandem feeding.

You might not reach your goal of feeding until natural term and/or the WHO 2 years and beyond. This can lead to feelings of guilt and regret. Especially if you wean because of your physical or emotional load.

I am concerned that, in a community such as ours, which supports and normalises breastfeeding in pregnancy and tandem feeding, that it can be seen as a simple extension of natural parenting.

On the good days, it is as beautiful as it looks in the photo shoots. On the bad days, it is as raw as it looks in the selfies.

Be gentle with yourself. Be realistic with your goals. And be assured if you find yourself on this journey - by choice or circumstance - we are here to give you the support you will need.


Six Steps to Breastfeeding