Touch Matters

The child's need for physical contact is well-established. Research shows it is important for development.

Humans are a carrying mammal. Some animals build nests, others cache their babies in long grass and hollows, and other young must follow the adults within hours of birth.

Carrying mammals: the great apes and other primates and marsupials invest in the next generation with intensive parenting. While marsupials, like kangaroos and other Australian fauna, have a handy built-in pouch, primate young cling to the hairy bodies of their mothers. Except for the modern human, who sacrificed body hair in evolution and were left with in-arms carrying. Needless to say, this left hunter-gatherer women in the dilemma of carrying their infants or collecting food: and the first baby carrier was invented!

Necessity truly is the Mother of invention :)



Visable and kissable


“She’ll never walk if you always carry her!”