“She’ll never walk if you always carry her!”

Sometimes, you just have to laugh. As others cast dire predictions of the rods you are creating for your own back, the ridiculousness of it all gets you through.

Who are these shadowy beings who were carried too long, breastfed too long, bed-shared too long? Your aunt's cousin's next door neighbour's friend's son ... really? The urban legend continues to be trotted out by people who judge your values because your actions challenge their own.

As the mother of adults who were carried, breastfed and coslept, I challenge you to pick them out in a crowd of their peers. As the grandmother of children now in kinder and school, who were breastfed, carried and cosleeping in their 3rd/4th years, I challenge you to spot them in the playground.

The reality is, these are natural, normal human behaviours and you are not "weird" for practising them. Securely attached infants grow up to become confident, independent members of their communities.

#babywearing #breastfeeding #bedsharing #cosleeping


Touch Matters


Towards Independence