Waistband Placement

Getting your baby carrier comfortable can be challenging. A lot of the time it's just a matter of checking the instructions which came with it but if it's been passed on by a previous owner, you might not have any. Turning to YouTube can be a bit dodgy, so always check the manufacturer's own website for photo or video tutorials.

When it comes to soft-structured carriers, there are some basic things to consider:

The waistband can be the first point to check: if it is too low, you won't be able to get your baby high enough. Wear it up to your waist, not down low on your hips.

With the carrier higher on your body, you can get the shoulder straps more comfortable as you have more length to work with. The firmer you have this, the less your baby will feel like they are hanging off your body. They should feel like they are held against you.

The chest strap connecting the two shoulder straps should be down between your shoulder blades, rather than up on your neck. You can stop the straps sliding off your shoulders by shortening this strap.

The Perfect Fit Adjusters (PFAs) can be tightened to bring your baby closer and make the shoulder straps longer or shorter to suit your body shape.

If all of this sounds complicated, don't worry - most people do! That's why #babywearing groups like ours meet regularly to help you learn these tricks! If you can't find a local group, babywearing consultants offer a fee-based service and many offer online help.

Life's too short to wear uncomfortable bras, shoes or baby carriers!!


Knee to Knee Support


Building Secure Attachment