Visible and Kissable

Visible and Kissable:

One of the T.I.C.K.S. guidelines for safe baby wearing is

CLOSE ENOUGH TO KISS. This not, as you might imagine, about giving you extra opportunities to bond with your baby. It is about having their body high enough on your chest that you can maintain frequent observations.

Young babies can be vulnerable in baby carriers. Their narrow airways and heavy heads mean we must supervise them to reduce risk of accidents. You should always be able to see your baby’s face and chin. The chin should be tilting up rather than tucked down.

Safety guidelines are not there to frighten or worry parents. They empower you to feel confident that your baby is safe and comfortable.

If you are unsure if your baby is safely positioned, remove them from the carrier and consult a babywearing educator or consultant. Local #babywearing groups can teach you how to position your child to minimise risk and guide you on babywearing safety.

Check out our online safety resources


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