Winter is coming …

There's a winter feel to the weather forecast for the coming days here in Melbourne. Time to get the woollies out!

If this is your first experience of winter with a baby you might be wondering what you need to do to protect them. #babywearing is a wonderful start as you each warm the other. You can top that up with hats, mittens and booties but go easy with coats and suits. Rather than thick single garments, add an extra layer or two. Avoid bulky hoods which can restrict free head movement.

Also consider your own outerwear. Many parents have regretted putting their carrier over their own jacket or coat, only to feel overheated and trapped while their child enjoys a much-needed nap! Instead, try putting the carrier on first and your own coat second. Keep your babies head and face clear from your own garment, scarves etc.

If being out in all weather is part of your regular routine, you might consider a purpose-designed babywearing coat, with added features to accommodate your infant on your front or back. In Australia, availability of these is limited as the market is really only Tasmania, Victoria and the ACT and then only for a relatively short season each year. Therefore retailers don't hold a lot of stock and prices are often at a premium. In some cases, buying online directly from the UK, USA or Europe works out much the same cost with greater options! However, this also means the pre-loved market is active and you might pick up a bargain there.

Babywearing comes into its own in wet, cold weather where pushing prams through mud or puddles on the way back to the car is tiresome! However, standing in that rain while trying to keep the tails of your woven wrap or meh dai out of those muddy puddles isn't much fun! Explore your pre-tied options with a stretchy wrap or consider adding a soft-structured carrier or ring sling to your carrier collection for those conditions.


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