Moving on up

Moving on to back-carrying can be pretty daunting. How on earth do you get them up there without dropping them?

There are several techniques you can use on your own, so you don't need to rely on having a helper around. Once you are confident using your soft-structured carrier on your front and your baby is developmentally ready to safely be on your back (generally around 6-9 months) you can progress to this method.

We are happy to take you through the process at our meets and markets, with face2face support while you achieve each step. You can practice with our demo dolls until you feel competent to try with your own child.

Back carrying keeps curious hands away from the action with a great view of everything. Perfect while you prep dinner, do laundry or shopping or enjoy public places and events without manoeuvring a pram through crowds.


Up and about


Choosing your baby carrier