Head Support

Many people worry about supporting a young baby's head when using a baby carrier. They are usually surprised to hear that their chest is the support their baby needs and its much more important not to restrict the ability of the head to tilt and protect the infant's airway.

Some less-optimal designs of baby carrier sit the baby inside a harness, with a firm support the baby leans back against. This leaves the body weight of the baby hanging off the adult body, as gravity pulls the baby downwards.

When you use a carrier which supports the baby against the adult body, with nothing between you, the baby shares your centre of gravity and doesn't drag down in the same way. Their head naturally rests forwards against your body and they can build strength in holding up their head for brief periods, gradually increasing in those early weeks.

The nape of the neck should not be too far below the top of the carrier and never be across the back of the head. The head will be free to move and you will be able to clearly see their face and make sure they have their chin clear of their chest, supporting their airway to be open and unobstructed.

Using a carrier following manufacturers directions is the best way to keep you both safe and comfortable. Our #babywearing meets are here to help you fine-tune your positioning and do a safety check.


β€œCan I get a fit-check please?”


Tandem Techniques