Facing the Facts about Facing Out

Babywearing is a relationship between a child and the most important people in their life. These are the people babies want to see most.

Around 4-6 months, infant brain development reaches a stage where babies are extremely distracted by activity around them. They can become hard to feed as noise and movement interupt their focus. Sleep can be disturbed by their own drive to roll or crawl, even when asleep. And babies in carriers are constantly tracking sound and visual distractions, twisting their head and straining to look around.

Many parents interpret this behaviour as their baby wanting to be carried in a facing out position. They might have even noticed their child appears to settle when carried this way in their arms.

However, distraction can be misinterpreted as interaction. A seemingly settled baby could really be one who is overstimulated.

As adults, too much input can be overwhelming. And we have a brain which matured around 25 years of age! How then does this young baby process the modern world in all its noise and movement. The answer is: they can manage for very short periods but then need space.

When the first facing-out baby carriers began to trend a few years ago, they came with a recommendation of 10-15 minutes maximum sessions in that position. But as more and more designs have flooded the market, that caution has been overlooked.

Older children can express feeling overwhelmed more clearly than babies and young toddlers. Parents quickly pick up when it is time to end the game, wind up the play date or take a break for a snack somewhere quieter.

Babies communicate through eye contact and body language. A carer who is face to face with their child can read these cues. When a baby is facing in the opposite direction, subtle communication can be missed.

An overwhelmed baby can go quiet and still. They might not cry or even appear distressed to the person behind the carrier.

If you suspect your baby is becoming overwhelmed in a busy environment, consider returning them to the facing in position.

There are alternatives to facing out which you might like to consider.


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