Chest to Chest … naturally

Facing you, your baby can maintain eye contact when needed. They can check in for reassurance. They can watch your mouth as you speak and smile. When you turn your head, they will mirror you to see what is interesting. And when sights, sounds or people are overwhelming, you baby will seek the "white space" of your familiar chest, screening out stimuli until they are ready to reconnect with the outside world. They might doze off to sleep - no need to move them: it is safe to sleep here.

While baby sleeps, the adult monitors. She can see the baby's face and note the open airway. Baby's chin is tipped upwards from their chest: she can easily fit two fingers in the space between them. She can observe his skin colour and hear the rhythm of his breathing. When he wakes, seeking the breast, she can adjust the carrier to allow him to feed, without taking him out to fiddle with buttons or snaps.

Chest to chest ... naturally.


Keeping babies where they need to be


Facing the Facts about Facing Out