Buying Pre-loved

In Australia, the Facebook group Babywearing Buy, Swap, Sell is the biggest community for pre-loved baby carriers.

For members of Southern Natural Parenting Network, the members-only group SNPN Exchange includes baby carriers in the items offers.

Elsewhere, contact your local babywearing group to find out what is available to you.

We love supporting Australian small businesses. There are some wonderful #babywearing brands producing and retailing baby carriers.

However, there is an abundance of gently used baby carriers looking for new homes. In the past, the buy/swap/sell community in Australia was booming. But then 2020 happened.

Buying a pre-loved carrier from a trustworthy seller can ease any concerns you might have. Dedicated Facebook groups screen sellers to ensure genuine products only are listed. You can be confident you are buying from a babywearing parent. Pre-loved oven wraps are often beautifully soft and broken in through loving use, while ring slings, soft-structured carriers, meh dais and other traditional carrier listing often include trusted brands in designs no longer available.

If you don't have the budget for the latest fashions, you will find absolute bargains you can afford.


Meh Dais and other Asian baby carriers


Not Broken