Breastfeeding and Babywearing

The attraction of breastfeeding a baby supported in a baby carrier is very appealing when a new sibling comes to join the family. With an active toddler to monitor and occupy, the idea of sitting in a chair all day breastfeeding a newborn seems laughable!

Breastfeeding and babywearing have allowed women to multitask for millennia. Here's a few things it helps to keep in mind:

Newborns and their mother need time after the birth to learn breastfeeding together, to rest and recover. Although pregnancy and childbirth are natural, modern mothers have different expectations upon their physical recovery compared to the past. The traditional 40 days of postnatal nurturing and rest might not be possible but a new mother should be supported to lie down with her baby at feed times and allow her body to heal while breastfeeding is established.

Most babies need some support to stay close to the breast in the newborn period. Baby-led attachment supports instinctive feeding reflexes and is encouraged by a laid-back position. While your baby is developing attachment skills, feeding while in a baby carrier might not be practical.

The recommendations for safe #babywearing are an upright position from birth. Cradle positions are no longer considered safe. Babies in carriers can breastfeed in this upright position, however most mothers find they need to lower the baby's position for them to access the breast. After feeding, the baby should always be returned to the position where thy are visible and kissable.

Older babies who have developed good latch which they can maintain independently will be much easier to breastfeed on the go. If it all feels a bit overwhelming for either of you when you start out, take a break until baby is more mature and try again. Before you know it, you'll have it mastered!

If you have any concerns about your baby’s safety when using a baby carrier, consult a babywearing educator or consultant before proceeding. If you need help with #breastfeeding, contact @ozbreastfeeding for support.


Care Instructions


Visable and kissable