The gentle art of hand expressing

It is a skill which is threatened with extinction as more and more breast pumps are sold around the world, however it is something all breastfeeding women should be taught. Relying on electric or even manual breast pumps to provide your baby’s breastmilk leaves you vulnerable to outages and unexpected damage or loss of equipment.

The basic technique of removing milk from the breast by hand can seem complicated and does take practice to perfect, so learning it in a non-urgent scenario means you can eliminate stress and anxiety from the process. Try in the shower while your baby naps and don't worry about collecting the milk until you get the hang of it.

A simple description of the technique is to stimulate the let-down reflex and then position the fingers in a way which mimics the baby’s mouth on the breast. A rhythmic motion of gentle compression and release works with the natural flow of milk and it can be collected in a clean container.

Of course, it's easier to learn from a skilled midwife, lactation consultant, breastfeeding counsellor or experienced friend who can guide you step by step through the process. But a good video is the next best thing.


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