Breast compression: what is it, when to use it and why.

Breast compression is a tool which is useful when you need to improve milk removal by your baby or a breast pump. External pressure can increase the flow of milk.

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Lactating breasts naturally release milk when a baby or pump triggers the let-down reflex. A well-attached baby doesn't need additional help removing milk. However there are circumstances where babies benefit from the technique.

  • Sleepy babies: those affected by newborn jaundice, babies born late pre-term and those who doze off before completing a feed can be triggered to keep sucking by the increased flow of a compressed breast..

  • Compromised babies: tongue tie, cleft lip or other oral variations can reduce the effectiveness of a baby's suck.

  • Learning babies: when a baby is still learning to get a good latch they may not effectively remove milk. Compression is a short-term strategy to ensure they remove enough milk.

Hands-on pumping:

Breast Compression is also beneficial while pumping. Double pumping combined with breast compression and hand expressing maximises milk removal. Link to video


Breast isn't actually Best.


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