Baby-led Weaning Twins and More

When I had my first child, another mother in my mum’s group had twins the same age. Watching her spoon feeding her two babies in the same time it took me to feed one was awesome inspiring. But it was also 100% parent-led: these babies were not eating, they were having food put into their bodies without any autonomy.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that baby-led weaning - self-feeding from the start - is something which parents of singletons indulge in but parents of multiples haven’ got time for. But let me introduce you to someone.

Katie Ferraro is a Registered Dietitian and mom of 7 specializing in baby-led weaning. I’m a college nutrition professor and I run the largest digital community dedicated to baby-led weaning @babyledweanteam. In 2016 she created the 100 FIRST FOODS approach to baby-led weaning and I host the top-rated parenting podcast BABY-LED WEANING MADE EASY.

Yes, you read that right. Seven children - including quads and twins! You can read about her family’s experience of introducing solids to their babies using baby-led weaning here. I do recommend her resources and podcast, although I am more relaxed about what foods to introduce than she is.


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Babywearing Twins or More