Do the best you can …

In her book "Babies Want To Be Carried: Everything you need to know about baby carriers and the benefits of babywearing, Dr. Evelin Kirkilionis explains in detail her research into the optimal position for infants in baby carriers.

Her research defeated the common opinion in the nineties in Germany, that babies shouldn’t be carried upright before an age they could sit by themselves. She proved that babies are adapted to be carried in an upright posture with a straddled and squatted leg position.

It can be hard to see parents being cautioned against something considered best practice when you raised your own children. But we are always learning and when it comes to infant safety, it is important to remember nobody is judging practices of the past but guiding practices of the present.

As Maya Maya Angelou reminded us: Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.



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