Babywearing is more than using a baby carrier

Babywearing is more than just using a baby carrier.

Although humans have constructed tools to transport and protect their infants for millennia, #babywearing is a term coined by Dr William Sears in the 1980s to reference using these carriers as part of an intentional parenting philosophy he called Attachment Parenting.

Attachment Parenting is not defined by the practices which support it. That is not the case.

Families who practise Attachment Parenting will, most likely, use their baby carrier beyond transporting and settling their baby. They might keep their child in close physical contact around the clock in the early months and in-between playtime as they become mobile. This enhances natural bonding, supports breastfeeding and natural infant sleep/wake cycles. You can also appreciate all these without labelling yourself as an Attachment Parent.

Secure Attachment is important for all children and close physical connections are one way to establish it. Bed-sleeping, natural term breastfeeding and other aspects of the philosophy of Attachment Parenting also naturally support these secure bonds with children but room-sharing, responsive feeding and gentle parenting practices will also help your close relationship to flourish.

Babywearing is more than just wearing a baby in a carrier. But babywearing is far from exclusive to Attachment Parents.

To read more about Attachment Parenting and other gentle parenting approaches, check out our Recommendeded Reading list. Link in bio.


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