Baby, it’s cold outside

Brr ... weather's changed again. After a few glorious autumnal days of sunshine, we're back to winter woollies again.

Life in Melbourne is never predictable when it comes to the elements. Thankfully babies can stay warm and dry while the family go about life despite the weather. #babywearing keeps them dry and cosy without you needing to drag a pram through muddy puddles!

Keep in mind, as you rug them up, that your body is a wonderful heat bank for your child. So don't overdo it with thick coats etc. Light layers plus protection for the head, hands and feet. You can pop "baby legs" leg warmers on to keep exposed legs warmer.

Keep your child visible and kissable to monitor their comfort level. Chilly cheeks are typical on cold days, just like us, but the core temperature is a better indicator. (Your baby probably won't appreciate your cold hand suddenly fumbling under the layers to feel their tummy but it will let you assess for overheating or the less likely under-heating.)

It's really important for everyone's mental health to get outdoors and connect with others. Don't let the weather be a barrier.

(Photo courtesy of @pennymackenzie8 and @naturedkids nature playgroup)


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