Baby-led Weaning: keep it simple

#babyledweaning is so much easier than mucking about with spoons and purees! And no overpriced pouches of dubious contents to fill your trolley and fridge.

Having three spoon fed children and now three #babyled grandchildren, there is really no contest. We are on a road trip this week and Mr 10mo just shares our meals. His appetite has stepped up a notch, which is typical around this stage and he scans the table anxiously as meals are served, making sure he doesn't miss out!

Some people overcomplicate #BLW with rules and lists and even equipment. This might make it feel more familiar to those used to spoon feeding but it erodes the very essence of the approach.

#babyledweaning is about serving babies the same food the family is eating, adapted if necessary to make it easier to hold in the early days. Once they get the pincer grip around 9 months, they become very efficient at picking up pieces and popping them in their mouth.

It's fun sharing new tastes and food experiences with your baby and not something to be apprehensive about. Enjoy!


Baby-led Weaning: The Experience of Eating
