Chest to Chest and Chin to Breast

When it comes to positioning your baby, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Here is what you need to keep in mind:

"Chest to chest and chin to breast"

This is all about presenting your baby in the best orientation to seek the breast and attach well.

Decades ago, when #breastfeeding rates were at a historical low, bottle feeding techniques got mixed up with breastfeeding advice. We held our babies on their backs, swaddled tightly to keep their hands out of the way and brushed their cheek so they would turn their head towards the breast. This position meant babies had to grasp the nipple with their head twisted towards their shoulder - obviously not a comfortable position for anyone! Babies would grab the nipple and hold on for dear life, because it would spring out of their mouth the moment they paused.

It makes so much sense that a relaxed, comfortable position will allow your baby to comfortably take a mouthful of breast tissue and keep it in their mouth without losing their latch. It's comfortable for babies and their mothers.

When positioned this way they are embracing their mother with their belly against hers, hips in close and their head free to move as they bring their mouth into just the right spot. There is no need to support the head as gentle support across their shoulders and hips keeps their head in the right place.


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Breastfeeding Comfort