Donor Milk Makes a Difference

It is given unconditionally.

In Australia it is illegal to sell human milk. It is collected and donated, most often through informal molk-sharing networks as this country has so few milk banks. There is an abundance of generosity behind the donations. It takes time and effort to collect and store excess milk.

Blood donors are celebrated as their gift saves lives. Milk donors also offer lifesaving fluid. For premature infants. For those at risk of or living with allergies. For parents working on overcoming challenges in establishing breastfeeding and wanting to avoid the risks of formula for their child. For mothers with Insufficient Glandular Tissue (IGT) or a history of breast surgery or injury preventing them fully meeting their baby's needs.

The value of donated human milk is immeasurable. The lifelong health benefits of exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months and ongoing breastfeeding for two years and beyond is proven. Every drop of breast milk matters. Whether it is temporary or ongoing, donor milk matters.

#donormilk #donormilksaveslives



Getting Attached


Chest to Chest and Chin to Breast