My legs are tired

Some people really seem triggered by the sight of a toddler or older child in a carrier. Odd declarations - "You're big enough to walk young man!" - from strangers confuse everyone. The word "judgement" comes to mind.

But what is really going on here?

Adults often say what they heard as children. If we think of the generations of children who were not intentionally carried in childhood we might have a clue. Small children have always needed and wanted to be carried when long distances have to be travelled. But when baby carriers disappeared from use in Western societies, that meant adult arms needed to bear the child. Which becomes tiring and uncomfortable. So children were discouraged and admonished that they were "big enough to walk" even though they don't have the bone strength and muscle mass to sustain long periods of doing so.

When children are not heard, when their feelings are dismissed, they whine and complain in an effort to communicate their distress. Being told to toughen up and get on with it does nothing to help.

Generations of adults hear the echo of adults telling them they are too big to be carried and need to toughen up. Seeing a child having those same needs respected and met triggers resentment so deep within they don't even realise whose voice is echoing in their minds.


Babywearing hack for hair-pullers.


Babywearing Keeps Babies Close to the People They Love