Skin-to-skin and Babywearing

Skin-to-Skin contact has been recognised for its significant contribution to the growth and well-being of premature and full-term babies in the immediate postnatal period. Mothers are encouraged to place their babies against their body before the umbilical cord is cut and be left uninterrupted for at the least the first hour of life outside the womb.

What is less known are the positive benefits of skin-to-skin extend well-beyond the first days of life. Babies placed in this position will have their body temperature regulated by their mother's body. The contact stimulates the release of oxytocin in both their systems and proximity to the breast can stimulate feeding in sleepy babies.

But it's not exclusive to birth parents. Fathers and other partners, adoptive parents, grandparents, siblings and other caregivers can all provide the benefits of skin contact. Kangaroo care is a technique used in neonatal intensive care units for premature babies. In some hospitals, continuous Kangaroo care is practised, with carers bodies replacing incubators. The mother is generally the primary source, rooming-in with her baby and being relieved when needed by her partner, family members and even medical staff and volunteers taking shifts to provide this environment.

Parents at home can use baby carriers in combination with direct skin contact, allowing them mobility whilst maintaining connection. A stretchy wrap is ideal for supporting the full-term newborn. Other carriers might be more appropriate for the care of premature babies and those with low tone or other concerns, so be guided by your medical team.

Older babies who are unwell or teething also benefit from this natural temperature regulation and connection.

Combining skin-to-skin with #babywearing is a positive bonding opportunity after birth complications, postnatal depression or breastfeeding challenges. It can reconnect mother and baby after separation, support fathers and others in building their unique relationship with their baby and establish special bonds with older siblings.

If you need support in combining babywearing and skin-to-skin, babywearing educators and consultants can guide.


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