Our Bodies are Made for Holding Babies

Some people react strongly to seeing a child in a baby carrier:

"Ooh, you don't want to get them used to that, they'll expect to be carried everywhere ".

It's funny that carrying in arms doesn't get the same reaction. There is an acceptance of having a child on your hip or cradled in your arms which can go out the window when you introduce a tool to make it easier and more comfortable for both adult and child.

I remember having to sit down with my youngest child when he was seven and gently explain I just couldn't pick him up anymore or carry him when his legs were tired. This wasn't because I didn't want to but because my body wasn't strong enough anymore.

As Hunter-gatherers and nomadic travellers, humans had no option but to carry our children. The whole troop or village could not afford to be slowed down by tired little legs. Baby carriers were an early tool which evolved from our need to carry our young but to do so hands-free while we gathered food or carried belongings.

It is totally fine to hold and carry our children. It will not impede their journey to independence.


Tandem Techniques


About that M position.