Keep Calm and Carry On

We all experience new things positively when we are in the right physical and mental space. From newborns experiencing a baby carrier through to their parents using one for the first time, there are conditions which will help.

A lot of people pull out a carrier gifted at the baby shower to try at the end of a long day. They are hoping it does what it promises and soothes their distressed baby while they try to get dinner on the table.

Overwhelmed by product directions repeated in six languages, they give up and decide to wing it. As anxiety increases about getting it right and the increasingly tired, cranky baby protests at this unknown experience, they give up. Throwing the carrier aside believing their baby doesn't like it, they order takeaway and start looking online for an "easier" carrier to buy.

It doesn't need to be like this.

The first thing to do is unpack the carrier and familiarise yourselves with it at a time your baby is sleeping. Have a look at the printed instructions but also head to the brand website for additional photo and video tutorials.

Practice using the carrier without your baby. While they sleep, try on the carrier. Follow each step and pause to check how it looks and feels compared to the photos. Pause the video at each stage so you don't feel rushed.

Check all the adjustment options. Brand new carriers are often stiff when you start using them but become easier to adjust with use.

When you, your support person and your baby are rested, calm and fed you can begin trying the carrier. Each step can be paused as you go. You can stop, go back, redo or cancel at any stage. This is like learning to ride a bike or tie shoelaces: nobody gets it right first go. It takes practice. Nail each step before moving on to the next one ... even if it takes all week to achieve.

Always begin with a calm adult and infant. Once this is a familiar experience for you both you can include it as a settling tool but not until you feel confident.

It might be days/weeks before you both feel relaxed. Like breastfeeding, using your pram and car seat, nappies and dressing your baby, using a carrier becomes routine with time.


Babywearing Keeps Babies Close to the People They Love


Baby it's cold outside