
Lockdown and restrictions have both tested and taught us many things over the past year and a half. Like how important face to face communication is to us.

While video calls have kept us connected, we have come to greater awareness of the discreet communication tools we use which are not so easy to interpret in a two dimensional environment.

Our babies learn the subtle art of communication through observation. Long before they begin forming words, they will engage with the rhythm of conversation. Sound and pause, my turn your turn. They look to our face to see if our eyes are smiling, if they have engaged our attention, if we are speaking or if we are quiet.

When we carry our child face to face, we can responsively communicate in ways which aren't possible facing out. We can follow their line of vision and they can follow ours. They can watch our lips moving as we speak and we can see when they are ready to respond.

#babywearing supports natural language development. It brings adult and child to the same level, enabling shared focus. The murmured voice of a child is Audible to the adult and the child can feel as well as see their carer speaking. In noisy environments, communication is enhanced by proximity.

Babywearing is more than using a carrier to transport a child. It allows opportunities for growth and development.


Sleep is Sleep


“No, I am not going to damage my baby's spine in this thing. “