Introducing The New Baby


The arrival of a new sibling is one of the most significant events in a young child’s life – and can be a combination of joy and disappointment! By preparing a toddler or older child for what to expect, the transition from baby of the family to big brother or sister can be less overwhelming and a positive experience for all involved.

Involve Your Toddler From the Start

Even very young toddlers quickly work out that something is happening to mummy, so avoid keeping the pregnancy a secret from them. Small children understand more than you think. Talk about babies, introduce your little one to babies in your community and read lots of stories about babies. Let them go along to visits with the midwife or doctor, who will involve them and even let them listen to the heartbeat in mummy’s tummy.

Older children can be involved even more – and might have strong opinions on everything from who will look after them while you are birthing to what you will call the baby! They might like to know all the details about life in the womb, how the baby will be born and also -  how the baby actually came to be in there! There are some excellent books available for this age group too.

Avoid Big Changes

Growing up means lots of changes in a toddler’s life – toilet training, moving into a big bed or your own bedroom all need time and take some adjustment. If possible, avoid big changes in the three months before or after the baby arrives. If that means staying in nappies, borrowing a second cot for the newborn or continuing to share your room with your toddler, be assured that any temporary inconvenience will be out-weighed by keeping your toddler’s world as predictable as possible.

Be careful not to load up expectations of responsibility and surrendering infancy. Anxiety around being a big brother or sister, helping mummy or giving up beloved items can be triggered in even the most excited children.

Tell The Truth

The newborn baby will be a great playmate for your toddler – but not for many months or years. Mummy will spend a lot of time feeding and caring for the new baby. Be realistic in what you tell your child – babies are loud when they cry, newborn poo is pretty yucky and umbilical cords will have a clamp on them in the early days. Some babies vomit! Spending time around other mothers and babies in groups like the Australian Breastfeeding Association will expose your toddler to the reality and you can show how babies grow and change.

Give Them Things To Do

The early weeks or months with a baby mean lots of hours sitting in one place while you feed your newborn. This can be hard for an active toddler or pre-schooler who is used to you playing with them and doing lots of things around the home. They will easily become bored and look for their own entertainment … not always with things you would like them to! Activities they can play with near you while you feed will keep them close by and minimise their demands. Forget about sitting in a nursery feeding this baby – you need to be where your older child plays! Set up your chair close by and prepare for feed times by setting out a toy or activity they can play with – puzzles, play dough, books and toys they don’t need your help to use are great. Drinks they can access, snacks which they can graze and a potty nearby make things simpler. And your little helper can be helpful if you show them where you keep nappies, burp cloths and wipes for the baby!

Getting used to a new baby in the family takes time for small children – and their parents! By helping your toddler be prepared, they will adjust sooner and shower the baby with love instead or resentment.

Suggested books for before and after the new baby arrives:

For parents –

  • The Second Baby Book  How To Cope With Pregnancy Number Two And Create A Happy Home For Your Firstborn And New Arrival By: Sarah Ockwell-Smith

For children -

  • Hello Baby Jan Overend and Julie Vivas

  • Happy Birthday Robie H. Harris and Michael Emberley

  • Daddy's Having a Horse Lisa Shanahan, Emma Quay

  • There’s A House Inside My Mummy Giles Andreae and Vaness Cabban

  • What Baby Wants William & Martha Sears

  • The Mystery of the Breast Victoria de Aboitiz Afra

  • Milky Moments Ellie Stoneley Jessica DAlton Goode

  • a ride on mother's back Emery Bernhard

  • carried on your back Ida Theren

  • carry me Rena D. Grossman

  • what does baby want? Tupera Tupera

  • baby + me: a unique story book for big brothers and sisters Lauren Gardiner and Grace West

  • Hello in There! A Big Sister's Book of Waiting Jo Witek

  • Baby Business Jasmine Seymour



The 4th trimester: helping your baby adjust to life outside the womb.


Why Do Babies Cry?