Don't blame it on the breastfeeding!

How’s life, Breastfeeding Mama?

Tired? That's because you're Breastfeeding!

(No, it's because you have a newborn baby!)

Struggling to keep up? That's because you're Breastfeeding!

(No, it's because you are now responsible for a whole extra person and you are still adjusting to that.)

Baby crying? That's because you're Breastfeeding!

(No, it's because all babies cry increasingly in the first 6-8 weeks, which begins to ease around 12 weeks).

Still carrying Baby weight? That's because you're Breastfeeding!

(No, all mothers carry extra kilos after birth and it can take months to begin seeing weight loss. )

Feeling down? That's because you're Breastfeeding!

(No, all mothers can experience mood changes or postnatal depression.)

Hair falling out? That's because you're Breastfeeding!

(No, most women lose extra hair after pregnancy, as the body returns to regular hair growth/loss cycles.)

Not back to the gym yet? That's because you're Breastfeeding!

(No, most women need time to recover physically after pregnancy and childbirth.)

No time to yourself? That's because you're Breastfeeding!

(No, you need support to take a break. Your partner, family or friends can care for your baby sometimes.)

Feeling low in energy? That's because you're Breastfeeding!

(No, but you might be low in iron after childbirth. Book a check up with your doctor.)

Your Baby isn’t sleeping through? That's because you're Breastfeeding!

(No, it is typical for babies to wake at night throughout the first year and beyond.)

Enough with blaming anything and everything on breastfeeding!

Dismissing a new mother’s experience and implying its all her own fault because she is lactating is unfair. Stop undermining her confidence with inaccurate information and thoughtless comments.

The human female is designed to spend several years per child breastfeeding. More time than she spends in pregnancy and probably more than she spends menstruating! Lactation is not something which renders her fragile and dysfunctional. Indeed, the more time spent breastfeeding across the childbearing years, the more her body benefits.


What does exclusive breastfeeding mean?


Can you over-feed a breastfed baby?