Love, with Elise Peck

This week, Yvette chatted about natural parenting with Elise Peck, Bestselling Author, Mindset Coach, Psych Student, Former Lawyer, Wife of 17yrs and Mother to 2, living in Australia

Join me (Elise) for this very special episode of season 2 of the Love, with Elise Peck podcast. This episode includes pretty much everything I wish I knew before I became a mother, and everything that would've given me so much more clarity, strength and comfort in early motherhood.
It's such a special episode that I've decided to also share the video version of the interview on YouTube:
The interview guest is Yvette O'Dowd: a gentle mother and grandmother, breastfeeding counsellor and founder of the Southern Natural Parenting Network ( ).
Please help your fellow mummas and mummas-to-be by sharing far & wide.
This is the info the world needs.
Watch it now here: . Connect more with Elise here: , and @elisenpeck . Direct any questions to . Warm regards, Elise


Safe Space for Mums


Pearls of Wisdom