Gently Parenting Multiples

Many parents-to-be have a vision of how they will care for their baby before they even conceive. They may have children already or have done lots of research prior to trying to conceive. Some have even applied their parenting choices to how they plan birth-spacing, with a goal of three year or more between births to allow each infancy to have their full attention.

Everything changes when someone announces there is a second or third heartbeat on that ultrasound screen!

Can you still practice gentle, child-led, responsive parenting with two or more babies in the family? Or is it all routines and schedules ahead?

Yvette ODowd Yvette ODowd

Babywearing Twins or More

We often get asked about babywearing twins. Often by stunned parents who have just found out their family is expanding by more than expected and wondering how exactly they are going to manage it all! Babywearing singletons is one way busy households function but two or three babies???

First thing to remember is multiples don’t have to do everything together or at the same time. Two adults, two babies, two carriers … works wonders. And one fussy baby can be soothed in a carrier while another is blissed out in the bassinet. One baby in a carrier, one in a single pram can be simplier than wielding a double or triple pram about in tight spaces like shopping strips, markets and events.

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