We see you

So many posts in our Facebook group come from parents overwhelmed by the reality of parenting in the modern world.

Struggling to balance the gentle parenting they value with the expectations of others. Resenting the seemingly "ideal" results of peers who sleep train and follow strict daily routines. Self-doubt creeps in as they sit #naptrapped, experience increasing sleep disturbance as babies become mobile and feel judged by others in their parenting groups where they are the minority still #breastfeeding.

In our group your reality is our normal. We see you. The second six months is surprisingly hard work. The second year is demanding. Three year olds are challenging.

It's not you. What you are doing as you lean in to the needs of your child is intense. This parenting gig is a long-term commitment: what you are doing now pays out in the years ahead.

We are here for you. Online and in-person if you are in Melbourne's south-east.


The Attached Granny


Embracing Contact Napping